What to do About Bleeding Gums?

What to Do About Bleeding Gums

You wake up as normal, and go to the restroom as part of your normal daily routine. Everything is fine. Until you start your tooth-brushing routine. Things start out okay at first, but soon you realize that your toothpaste is foaming with a color that doesn’t belong there. Red.

Yup. That’s blood from your gums. Very annoying, not only because your gums are bleeding, but also because it’s an indication that you’re not practicing good dental hygiene. As important as good dental health is, some people regularly drop the ball when it comes to taking care of their pearly whites.

Even more disturbing is that bleeding gums can actually be a sign of gum disease which can lead to more problems. Here’s some info about bleeding gums and some possible explanations.

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Bleeding gums are frequently caused by:

Poor Dental Hygiene

Simply put, if you don’t brush and floss regularly and efficiently, you’re opening yourself up to bacterial infections which can cause swelling, discomfort, and inflammation of your gums.

Blood-Thinning Medications

If you are on a medication that thins your blood, this could also cause bleeding gums. Talk to your doctor or dentist if you are on any of those kinds of medications.


Hormonal changes in a pregnant woman’s body can be a contributing factor in bleeding gums.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease can present with bad breath, loose or sensitive teeth, and receding gums. This can be caused by a number of things, including smoking and diabetes. This disease allows bacteria to get to places you can’t reach with a toothbrush or floss, and may need to be treated by a dentist.

How Can Gum Disease Affect Me?

If you’re asking this question, it might already be a sign that you need to practice better oral care. Your gums’ health is very important not only for oral health, but your general health, as well.

Your gums are basically the support system for your teeth. Imagine them as the foundation for a house. Without the foundation, the house is susceptible to many problems, such as sinking, tremors, moisture, and eventual destruction. You would never want to live in a house with no foundation. Likewise, you don’t want your teeth’s support structure to have any issues, so take good care of them.

There’s also been research done that show that some gum diseases can increase other risk factors, like diabetes, pregnancy complications, strokes, and heart disease. Keeping your gums healthy is not just for the benefit of your mouth; your whole body will thank you.

What Can I do to Improve the Health of My Gums?

Taking care of your gums is not so monumental of a task. The first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with Forestwood Dental. This visit will have them examine your gums and teeth to see if you have any gum disease, or if there is a possibility of one presenting.

You will also get a professional cleaning to remove any tartar or plaque that has built up, which you wouldn’t be able to reach yourself.

If we determine that you have a gum disease, we will let you know about possible treatment options, usually starting with periodontal therapy. You can also vastly improve the health of your gums with non-invasive methods including antibiotics and deep cleanings.

At Forestwood Dental, we will also give you a detailed oral hygiene regimen to follow to ensure your dental health doesn’t falter. This is something that you really want to pay attention to, as your at-home care is just as important, if not more so, than the dentist visit.