It is estimated that around 90 percent of adults in the United States are dealing with tooth decay. While children are doing a little better, they are suffering as well. It has been estimated that about 40 percent of children in the United States are dealing with tooth decay.
The main cause gum disease and cavities is poor oral hygiene. While improving oral hygiene is important, looking at diet is also a factor in boosting oral health. Continue reading to find out about the minerals and vitamins that are needed in order to have healthy teeth. This is especially important for parents so that they can help their children eat a balanced diet.
Calcium is one of the main minerals that is responsible for building healthy bones and teeth. In order for children and adults to strengthen their teeth, they should consume a healthy amount of calcium.
Dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt contain calcium that the body can easily absorb. Other calcium rich foods to consume regularly include leafy green veggies, fortified cereals, canned fish, and soy-based products.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays two significant roles in helping you have strong teeth. First, it helps your body to absorb the calcium it needs to have strong bones and teeth. Second, it improves bone mineral density in its own way.
The easiest way to get a healthy dose of vitamin D is to spend a bit of time outside each day. The body will make vitamin D when it is exposed to the sun. Children can get the vitamin D they need when they play outside for just 15 to 20 minutes each day.
There are ways to consume more vitamin D through the diet. Fortified breakfast cereals, milk, salmon, soybeans, portabello mushrooms, and orange juice contain vitamin D.
This mineral plays a vital role in having strong bones and teeth. It works with calcium to rebuild and protect tooth enamel. Foods and beverages that contained phosphorus that can easily be included in the diet are meat, eggs, nuts, dried fruit, lentils, soybeans, and pumpkin seeds.
Vitamin A
This vitamin promotes the production of saliva in the mouth. This is important because the saliva removes particles of food and cleans out bacteria in the mouth. Vitamin A also plays an important role in helping maintain healthy mucous membranes.
Make sure your children are getting a healthy dose of vitamin A in their diet. Include things like egg yolks, chicken, red meat, dairy products, leafy greens, and orange fruits in their diet.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C plays a role in your child having healthy gums. It boosts the connective tissues and blood vessels that support the teeth. If a child or adult is not getting enough vitamin C, they may experience bleeding gums and inflammation. It weakens the body’s natural healing process.
Make sure your children gets enough vitamin C by including cauliflower, broccoli, red peppers, berries, and oranges in their diet.
You already know that bananas contain potassium. Other items to include in your child’s diet that include potassium are avocados, prunes, lima beans, and Swiss chard. This mineral helps the bones maintain their structure and strength.
A Healthy Diet Equals Healthy Teeth and Gums
Children and adults can have healthier teeth and gums by eating a balanced diet. While adults may find it easier to consume all the foods mentioned above, sometimes children are picky eaters. In that case, parents may want to find supplements to ensure that their children are getting the vitamins and minerals needed to have a healthy smile.